Despite having access to high quality tap water, many Australians choose to drink water bottled in plastic. The damaging effects of plastic production impact everything from our air quality and waterways to the demand for fossil fuels, as well as create significant landfill waste and pollution. By specifying a complete filtered water system with a range of water types including boiling, chilled, sparkling or still, architects, designers and specifiers can address many of the reasons why people choose to drink from plastic.
Reducing plastic, waste and fossil fuel demand: Sustainable drinking water with Billi explores the environmental impact of plastics, and how these concerns can be mitigated by instant filtered water systems in both residential and commercial applications. We look at the environmental effects of plastics in terms of waste, emissions and health, and the reasons why Australians continue to choose to consume water from plastic bottles. We then consider how instant filtered water systems can provide a complete hydration solution that reduces the demand for plastics and offers other environmental benefits up the chain .
For more than 30 years, Billi has been a leader in the provision of instant filtered drinking water systems to the Australian market. Billi systems deliver instant boiling, chilled, still or sparkling filtered water direct from the unit, reducing the demand for plastic bottled water in both the home and the workplace. Billi Eco and Quadra ranges are GreenTag® certified, providing a globally recognised guarantee that their products conform to the highest environmental standards.
Read this whitepaper here.