Ecoply plywood from Carter Holt Harvey was used by a Sydney architecture practice to meet their client’s brief and budget requirements.
The client was Sound Alliance, a fresh, dynamic business specialising in marketing and publishing, who needed an appropriate fit-out for their new offices and put the challenge to Architect Rory Toomey of Environa Studio, a multi-disciplinary architecture practice in Sydney to create ‘impact on a budget,’ without having a negative environmental impact. The client’s brief called for timber finishes while the budget suggested the use of more economical materials.
Having used Ecoply extensively in fit-out projects before, Toomey suggested the plywood as a single feature material to wrap the floors, walls, ceiling and joinery creating immediate impact.
The meeting room wall features multi layered, plywood panels incorporating lighting that looks great day and night. The fit-out colours add interest and punch and tie-in with the colours of the Sound Alliance brand.
Being a low carbon footprint business representing the next generation, Sound Alliance sought sustainable design solutions. The new offices had previously housed the MySpace business so a lot could be re-used in terms of layout and wiring. All the Ecoply sheets were screwed in place so that they could be easily removed and re-used.
Environa’s choice of Ecoply for the project was also driven by other features of the plywood including strength, durability, relatively low carbon footprint and minimal wastage. Toomey explains that Carter Holt Harvey Ecoply was specified for the peace of mind as the product can be trusted. Carter Holt Harvey’s Australasian production and sustainability track record tipped the balance.
The carpenters from Hobbs and Blair Constructions were also impressed with Ecoply, for the ease with which floors could be laid. Once the structure was prepared, they were able to lay 20 – 30 square metres an hour. CD structural grade was specified throughout and the coat of clear finish did not require the boards to be planed.

The Sound Alliance project has been celebrated with a Sydney Design Award.