Comfort Heat Australia supply wood fired stoves, an economic and cost-effective option for hydronic floor heating. Wood fired stoves are an excellent installation option for remote areas where gas and electricity is scarce.
Comfort has many wood fired stoves that are suitable for installation due to their inbuilt water jacket or ‘wet back’ however other specifications are also required.
Wood fired stoves need an open style storage tank with a header tank. The tank also has to be a suitable size for the heat output required.
The heated floor area will define the required storage tank size however the minimum size required is 400L+. Wood fired stove installations need a storage tank, header tank, a mixing pump station and manifold.
The specifications above are based on a stand alone hydronic floor heating system. Comfort can also supply mixed systems that combine domestic hot water or pool heating.
For further information on Comfort Heating Australia’s hydronic floor heating options, please contact Comfort.