THERMOMASS precast concrete sandwich panels from Composite Global Solutions are being considered for use in the aged care industry for their ease
and speed of construction.
Australia’s aged care industry is on a continuous expansion track to accommodate
the ever increasing ageing population, and is constantly seeking solutions for sustainable,
future-proofed developments.
THERMOMASS precast concrete sandwich panels are quick to erect, leading
to around 30% reduction in construction time, which makes the product suitable for
large scale residential projects. The ease and speed of construction are
important factors in an industry growing at an annualised rate of 6.4 per cent
(IBIS World, 2013), where supply is struggling to keep up with demand.
THERMOMASS precast concrete sandwich panels insulated with rigid XPS
insulation maximise energy efficiency; by insulating from the outside in, the
greater thermal mass on the interior is able to regulate and minimise diurnal
swings, meaning less energy is required to maintain a comfortable temperature.
For the developer, THERMOMASS precast concrete sandwich panels offer faster
construction times, decreased labour costs and reduced material costs while the
aged care operator gains from ongoing energy savings and associated costs of 30
to 50 per cent.