ECOFLO’s waterless composting toilets are ideal for full-time residential, part-time and mobile home use.
These composting toilets have been designed to Australian conditions and range from completely waterless to a 500mL microflush. They are the perfect bathroom solution for homes constructed in areas without access to town utilities or for those who wish to replace an existing flushing toilet (traditional septic system, mains or Biocycle) with a waterless toilet.
These eco toilets make a sensible and environmentally responsible solution to Australia’s tough drought conditions. We have a system for every situation with installations ranging from vacation homes Tasmanian to eco resorts in the Cape.
Entireley odourless
ECOFLO’s composting toilets are designed with a ventilation system ensuring that there is
even less smell than a standard flushing toilet!
- Reduces the average family's water consumption by 35,000 litres per year
- Saving money and the environment
- Available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, colours and models to suit the design of any home.
- ECOFLO have systems to suit one person right through to multi pedestal use for larger projects and multiple people.
Waterless Toilet Products Range
ECOFLO Water Management's range of Toilet Products includes:
- Waterless Composting Toilets
- Grey water Systems
- Sun-Mar Toilets
- Nature Loo
- Composting Toilet
Quality reliable products and service
ECOFLO Waterless Toilets Benefits
- With over 15 years’ experience ECOFLO Water Management is renowned throughout the industry.
- An average household flushes up to 35,000 litres of potable water down the drain each year. ECOFLO’s water saving toilets are helping families across Australia to stop flushing their money down the drain.
ECOFLO have been providing Australian Standard quality assured composting toilets,
priced below their competitors throughout Australia and worldwide.