Unisite Group has been approved as an MAV preferred supplier for the supply of park and playground equipment, open space and recreational infrastructure, outdoor furniture, signage and related products, and services contract PP4924-2016.
A not-for-profit unit of the Municipal Association of Victoria, MAV Procurement is focused on achieving better procurement outcomes for local government. MAV leverages the combined purchasing power of councils to achieve better value on products and services.
MAV helps councils reduce procurement costs, simplify processes and improve services while delivering sustainable outcomes for communities and local government. Councils can also minimise compliance risk associated with procurement by working with MAV.
All MAV and National Procurement Network preferred suppliers have been successfully appointed in a public tender process.
Though it is not compulsory for councils to use MAV Procurement contracts, there are significant direct and indirect cost savings in doing so.
In 2014, MAV Procurement was provided Ministerial approval under s186 of the Local Government Act 1989 allowing all councils to access any MAV contract without the requirement to appoint MAV as tendering agent. The approval applies to all contracts, even those executed prior to the Ministerial Approval.
Signing up to MAV Procurement contracts enables councils to access discounted rates without the need to go to public tender and undertake ongoing management of the contract. Councils can also decide on their own whether to use particular contracts or suppliers.