Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 223) - Dominic Gaetani, the DKO lead architect on the trials & tribulations of the Pentridge Prison urban rehabilitation project Listen Now
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    Harris Crime Prevention Services

    Security Consultants and Security Consulting Services from Harris Crime Prevention Services

    Harris Crime Prevention Services provides a wide range of security consulting services. The security services provided by Harris Crime Prevention Services include:
    • Safer by Design
    • Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) 
    • Designing out crime
    • Crime prevention through environmental management (CPTEM)
    • Security reviews
    • Security audits
    • Security system design
    • Security consultations

    Security Services Available
    Harris Crime's security consultants are qualified trainers, and can assist you with:

    • Developing security policies and procedures
    • Emergency procedure documentation
    • Develop and deliver security and safety workshops

    Specialists in Health, Aged Care and Schools
    Harris Crime Prevention Services provides specialist security consulting for a wide range of industry and government sectors. An example of sectors Harris Crime Prevention Services provide advice to include:

    • Hospitals
    • Aged care facilities
    • Retirement villages
    • Research institutions
    • Retail complexes
    • Waterfront redevelopments
    • Universities
    • Schools
    • Entertainment and sporting venues
    Areas serviced include:
    • Sydney
    • Melbourne
    • Brisbane
    • Perth
    • Tasmaina

    Harris Crime Prevention Services are not affiliated with, nor receive benefits from, any organisation that supplies security hardware, installs security systems, monitors alarm systems or provides guarding services.

    For further information on how to manage security aspects of your duty of care and ensure appropriate protection for your facility, please contact Harris Crime Prevention Services via the links below.

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