A new whitepaper, commissioned by Australian acoustic solutions manufacturer Keystone, provides a clear case on the integrating appropriate acoustic solutions into projects from their outset.
Hitting the right note: Designing an environment with acoustics in mind goes on to discuss the challenges associated with acoustic design, primarily surrounding the impacts that poorly designed environments have on their users regarding both health and productivity. Acoustics are often forgotten in architecture given the primarily visual nature by which we consume media, but can have damaging and costly long-term impacts if left untouched or simply to the last minute.
Aside from the importance of proper acoustic design and integration, the whitepaper goes on to clarify the common challenges around approaching acoustic design, typically related to misunderstanding common terms and acoustics’ dynamic nature. Being able to adequately specify acoustic solutions is directly linked to understanding the correct qualities of the materials within a space, including inconstant elements such as people and intrusive noise, as well as a number of other follow-on impacts from the architecture itself.
As such, while manufacturers such as Keystone are able to optimise and provide solutions related to their products on offer, acoustic engineers are of integral importance in the provision of a design solution prior to the involvement of the manufacturer.
The guide is free to download and comes with further information on the dynamic nature of acoustics and the importance of involving an acoustic engineer early on so that they might be able to turn a desired soundscape into a deliverable reality for manufacturers.
To find out more about designing with acoustics in mind click here to download Hitting the right note: Designing an environment with acoustics in mind.