Riaz Rezvani is the Housing Manager for Sunland Group – a development company that operates in both the housing and high-rise sectors, building about ­600-700 homes a year. 

Partiwall® solution for Sunland homes

About 9 years ago, Sunland started looking for a company that could provide fire rated party walls that could fulfil their requirements. Knauf fulfilled a lot of criteria they looked for – especially the technical criteria. They have been using it now for 9 years. Knauf’s Partiwall® forms part of Sunland’s construction methodology and they are very happy with it.

“It saves us time; it saves us money and it gives us a product that we can rely on,” says Rezvani.

“We do use a lot of companies, but Knauf really understands us. The way we operate is like a partnership. Through their representative, they’re always there, and if you need any technical advice, they always send somebody or the representative comes to our site and can provide us with technical knowledge or installation processes. This is quite important for us because we are confident in the way we install it and any technical issue is resolved straight away.”

"What I would say to other people considering using this system is that the benefit includes both time and money. It’s much faster and it saves you money because you eliminate other trades.”

Joe Finicchiaro, Construction Manager – Sunland Homes adds, “...it’s light, it’s very quick to put up, they don't have to leave site, they can just continue on building, there’s no time loss – it’s just so easy.”