The new GreenScreen Quantum from Mermet is a knitted fabric for blinds, which has a low openness factor of 1% for providing enhanced glare control.
The fabric has a metalised backing making it ideal for maximum reflection of solar energy, and reducing heat gain in the building.
Made from eco-friendly materials, the GreenScreen Quantum range of fabrics is easier to recycle.
GreenScreen Quantum has also been assessed and listed by Ecospecifier as an environmentally friendlier choice by achieving significant reductions in the demand for air conditioning, reducing the electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
The fabrics can thereby be eligible to help projects achieve credits under several categories of the Green Building Council of Australia Green Star Office Interiors.
As all other Mermet fabrics for blinds, GreenScreen Quantum has been tested for volatile organic compound emissions, with the VOC concentration expected to be less than the amount specified by Green Building Council of Australia Green Star Office Interiors.
GreenScreen Quantum is fire retardant and is suitable for all types of internal blinds, available in 6 colours in a 2.4 m width.