Building design demands innovation. The right selection of materials can make each project look and feel unique, and be on-trend with contemporary style and design thinking.
Stainless steel, for instance, is a material that impresses with its durability, application versatility and aesthetic quality. Since its introduction in 1913, stainless steel has become a highly favoured material for long-lasting fittings, strength of product, visual integrity and style. In residential building applications, stainless steel adds a distinctive and stylish vibe, and is often perceived as a symbol of status.
However, the material’s uniqueness could also be a reason why it is often overlooked as an in-house style product – stainless steel essentially isn’t aligned to a group in terms of a building material or feature. This is where many architects probably miss the boat and do their clients a disservice.
Stainless steel has the incredible versatility to meet the desired design vision in the right setting; stainless can be solid, linear, shiny, established, sequenced, sporty, inspiring, sexy, integral, reliable, and much more. To accommodate its versatility, architects need to understand the repertoire of options that are available to them – as a construction product, feature product, safety product and a style product.
There is no limit to the number of ways that stainless steel can add to style in any given setting. Find out how from Miami Stainless, a recognised stainless steel provider with more than 20 years of experience.