In the building industry, the allure of cost-effectiveness often leads to the assumption that cheaper parts equate to the most economical solution. However, this conventional wisdom doesn't always hold true, especially when comparing I-Joist and Posi-Strut floor systems. Whilst there's a prevailing market perception that Posi-Strut is more expensive than I-Joist, a deeper analysis reveals that cost per lineal metre ($/m) isn't the only factor to consider.

Supply decisions are often made transactionally, starting with raw materials. Cost comparisons typically focus on cost per lineal metre, rather than taking a more holistic approach. This tendency is often driven by the desire for quicker estimates, but it overlooks important considerations.

Decisions on materials are sometimes made by a separate purchasing department, rather than involving input from the build owner or the construction and maintenance departments. There are significant benefits to purchasing a complete floor/roof system, compared to purchasing all the materials separately and assembling them on-site. These benefits are delivered by a Design-Make-Build® methodology.

Let’s talk about a better way to build

MiTek advocates a unique approach to building, characterised by a collaborative Design-Make-Build process. This offsite building methodology integrates efficient offsite construction methods into the concept and design phase, focusing on three key stages: Design, Make and Build.

  • Design: Software to manage workflow, design, estimation and production.
  • Make: Automation to enable offsite construction for greater efficiency and quality.
  • Build: Products that improve productivity, optimise build schedules and reduce risk.

I-Joist Vs Posi-Strut – the test

I-Joist Vs Posi-Strut

MiTek has put this to the test with a comparative side-by-side build in Queensland. Two identical builds with identical layouts were constructed using different methods: one using I-Joist and materials purchased separately and assembled on site, and the other using the Posi-Strut flooring system – including No Floor Hangers (NFH). Actual costs and timing were meticulously captured to compare the cost and efficiency of the two builds, with trades providing unbiased feedback.

I-Joist Vs Posi-Strut  the build outcomes

I-Joist Vs Posi-Strut

The results speak for themselves: When all material costs were considered, including sub-floor timber and hangers, steel beams, columns and framing bulkheads, the Posi-Strut floor system emerged as 2% cheaper than I-Joist. Labour costs were 65% cheaper for the Posi-Strut project than I-Joist, resulting in a completed build that was 10% less expensive than I-Joist.

From a time efficiency perspective, the Posi-Strut project achieved a notable saving of 5 days, representing a 30% difference. This time efficiency translates into significant benefits for builders, as it enables them to undertake additional projects.

Additionally, beyond direct cost and time savings, the Posi-Strut system presents a myriad of value- added benefits. These include waste reduction, streamlined processes leading to fewer errors, reduced risk factors, and enhanced sustainability through precision production. Additionally, the streamlined construction process facilitates faster project completion, resulting in improved cash flow for builders and an increased capacity to take on additional work.

Trades involved in the project attested to the ease and confidence afforded by the Posi-Strut system, emphasising its potential to diversify and expand the labour force within the construction industry. By prioritising efficiency, quality and innovation, MiTek's Design-Make-Build approach underscores a commitment to sustainable, cost-effective and future-proof construction practices.

When evaluating construction methods, it's essential to look beyond the initial cost considerations and assess the holistic value proposition. With its proven track record of efficiency, affordability and enhanced performance, the Posi-Strut floor system emerges as a compelling choice for modern construction projects, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient built environment.