The process of creating a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of buildings and infrastructure, known as Building Information Modelling (BIM), is now firmly established in Australia and New Zealand’s design, architecture, engineering, construction and asset management industries. 

One of the most popular BIM software applications is UNIFI – a Revit integrated, cloud-based content management platform used to organise and manage building content that is widely used by architectural, engineering, construction and manufacturing firms. 

The UNIFI content management platform ensures data quality, consistency and anywhere access to BIM content – across teams and global offices. UNIFI allows BIM content library administrators to organise and manage the various Revit content assets used by design teams through an easy-to-use, web-based portal, and control who has publishing access, ensuring the quality of content going into projects meets the required standards. UNIFI empowers design teams with fast and easy access to the right BIM content to produce higher-quality project documentation and data. 

Luke Johnston of IGS BIM Solutions, which specialises in BIM content creation and strategy services for product manufacturers, suggests UNIFI is a great platform for suppliers to leverage in exchanging their BIM content with specifiers.

“With so many of Australia and New Zealand’s largest design firms using UNIFI to manage their BIM content, it makes sense for manufacturers to provide their BIM data directly through the UNIFI cloud, in addition to other platforms such as their own websites. It also ensures designers have access to the manufacturer’s current BIM data libraries as they make updates over time.”

About the Moddex library hosted on UNIFI, Luke says, “All the Revit content hosted on UNIFI by manufacturers needs to pass a QA check before publishing. Designers can use the families supplied by Moddex with confidence in the knowledge that the library meets this quality requirement.”

About Moddex 

Moddex is the leading supplier of low-risk, compliant modular balustrade and handrail systems in Australia and New Zealand. 

Our modular barrier systems offer the industry’s lowest lifetime cost of ownership and we’re the first choice where any degree of engineering complexity in design, program or resources is needed. 

With our no-weld barrier systems, you’ll minimise time on site – no toxic fumes, no site shutdown, no hot works permits or welding zones. For your project, it’s business as usual while your Moddex railings and balustrades are being installed. This means your project timelines shrink, risk is minimised and profit margins improve. 

With Moddex technical know-how and innovative, weld-free products, we help solve the unique challenges of civil infrastructure projects as well as those of the defence, construction, mining, transport, education and public utilities sectors. 

With offices in Auckland and Christchurch, wherever you are, there’s a Moddex team and warehouse not too far away – and our technical advisers are always a phone call away. 

Moddex and UNIFI 

With the capacity to host Revit libraries from multiple manufacturers, and being the most widely-used BIM content management software in Australia and New Zealand, it was an easy decision for Moddex to make its library available on UNIFI and allow users to access and specify the full range of Moddex products, including: 

Assistrail Disability and Public Access handrails 

Assistrail disability handrails are designed for use across ramps, stairs and walkways, with flush connections for a smoother, safer finish. You will have the peace of mind of knowing that Moddex disability handrails comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). It also adapts to every building classification within the National Construction Code (NCC) and the New Zealand Building Code. 

Bikesafe Bikeway Barriers 

Bikesafe bikeway barriers provide the ultimate protection for cyclists travelling at speed. Moddex bikeway barriers’ designs align with Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6A and 6B and the NZTA Bridge Manual, thus providing the ultimate protection for cyclists travelling at speed. 

Connectabal Commercial Balustrades 

Conectabal commercial balustrades prevent injuries or falls from retaining walls and elevated areas. Moddex commercial and industrial balustrades offer a high safety load rating, achieving compliance with every standard in any application. 

Tuffrail Industrial Handrails 

Tuffrail industrial handrails deliver AS 1657.2018 and NZS 1657.1992 protection for workers across mezzanines, stairs, service platforms, walkways and fall edges. 

While manufacturer content on UNIFI is audited for quality prior to being added to a firm’s internal library, Moddex is committed to enhancing the productivity and effectiveness of UNIFI users by ensuring that all content is current, accurate and fit-for-purpose. 

With Moddex, everything fits™