BioStreme 111F Foaming Odour Neutraliser from Odour Control Systems is an elegantly simple and convenient spray-on solution to manage odour problems associated with a range of odour types.
Natural and Biodegradable Odour Removal Concentrate
BioStreme 111F Foaming Odour Neutraliser is a micronutrient formulation which employs a natural, non-toxic and biodegradable blend of amino acids, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, purines, pyrimidines, and complex organic extracts that aid in organic decomposition without producing odorous by-products. Other features and benefits include:
- The foaming application visibly blankets the surface for even distribution
- The micronutrient blend manages odour producing biological processes at the source
- A powerful contact deodouriser provides immediate odour relief
- No rinsing required
- Environmentally friendly
- Simple to use
- Eliminates and controls noxious odours
- Reduces clean up times and costs
- Effective and long lasting results
- Natural and biodegradable
- Safe and non-toxic
Eliminating waste and retail odours
The foaming odour neutraliser range is suitable for a range of odour types:
- Landfill odours
- Transfer station odours
- Compost operations
- Recycling centre odours
- Wastewater and solid waste odours
- Commercial properties
- Apartments and hotels
- Restaurants and Retail stores
- Tipping floors and pits
- Driveways and loading areas
- Garbage and compactor rooms
- Haulage vehicles
- Pond and lagoon odours
- Solid waste odours
- Leachate and Sludge odours
BioStreme 111F Foaming Odour Neutraliser is completely safe to handle and use, and employs no enzymes, bacteria or hazardous chemicals.