Pasco Construction Solutions Pty Ltd are the suppliers of the original and award-winning Buzon pedestal.
“We’re the Australian distributors for a company called Buzon out of Belgium. They have a product called the Buzon pedestal and that’s what we distribute and what we are exhibiting at DesignBUILD,” explained Steven Skliros, one of the owners of Pasco.
The product is an adjustable pedestal and is designed to create raised floors in external applications, using any timber decking or any sort of pavers.
“It can go down as low as 17mm, it can go as high as 850mm. At 850mm, it’s rated at 1,000kgs so each one of those pedestals will comfortably take 1,000kgs,” said Skliros.
The Buzon height adjustable pedestal is predominantly used in balconies, terraces or rooftop gardens where waterproofing membrane is present. It accommodates 17mm to 850mm heights and compensates for 0-5% fall.
“It has a built in slope compensating device which allows you to compensate for any fall substrates. By adjusting the slope compensator, you will accommodate and have a levelled finish at your floor level.”
“The benefit is that it will give you access to your waterproofing membrane. Most problems associated with buildings are water-related due to leaks. With this system, the pavers would be loose so you will be able to comfortably remove them if there was a leak, inspect your membrane, repair the membrane and reinstate the pavers quite quickly and economically,” explained Skliros.
With the Buzon pedestal, it is easy to create raised timber and paved floors. The product is made out of 80% polypropylene, making it a sustainable product.
“It will last forever. It won’t degrade when it’s exposed to UV, it can sit in water. It will last a very long time,” affirms Skliros.