PILA group recently installed one of its 15m fibreglass flagpoles on top of the Governor Phillip Lookout in Beacon Hill. Located on Sydney's Coastline, this lookout is one of the highest points in the Sydney basin and the new 15m flagpole means the Australian flag will be able to be seen from many more vantage points around the area.

The new fibreglass flagpole replaces the original 12m aluminium flagpole, which was looking outdated and becoming dangerous. Unlike traditional aluminium, fibreglass flagpoles are able to absorb high winds and will not corrode in salt air, making them most suited to coastal areas.

Additionally, they are low conductors of electricity, they do not dent and scratch like aluminium, and they can be installed without heavy machinery or cranes.

This meant that the installation of this flagpole was a simple process for PILA group, getting up the narrow bush track, joining the section pole and raising it into position with ease.