Standing on the southern shore of Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra, is the National Library of Australia. The building was designed by Walter Bunning and was officially opened on 15 August, 1968 by the then Prime Minister, John Gorton. By 2001 the building housed over six million items.
The Library podium was extended in the mid 1980s. In late 2005 GHD was engaged by the client to provide a long term solution to water ingress through the podium slab into library areas below.
It was imperative that the areas below the podium remain dry during the refurbishment of the podium as well as upon completion. Accordingly the well-proven Wolfin Waterproofing System was specified for the project.
Manteena Pty Ltd was appointed head contractor and constructed temporary shedding, up to 2,500msq, over the work areas. This involved the coordination of several trades & implementation of a regimented works program.
Demolition works were commenced in May 2007. After plumbing changes, correction of falls and making good of the substrate was completed the Wolfin S adhesive backed membrane system was installed by April Showers Waterproofing Pty Ltd. On completion and sign-off of the membrane works by Wolfin Membranes Australia each deck area was flood tested for a minimum 24 hours before hand-over to the builder.