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    Provitec Australia

    Multi Barrier Drinking Water Filters by Privotec

    Privotec Portable Water Filters
    Water filtration is achieved by the use of chemical treatments, biological process or a barrier system. The PROaqua 4200 Water Filter is a Multi Barrier System, which means it has multiple layers of different filtration medium, each layer targeting specific impurities.

    Features of the PROaqua 4200 Multi Barrier Water Filters
    Different filters can be used in the PROaqua 4200 drinking water purifiers. The water filter cartridges can be customised to suit you drinking water requirement or your water conditions. Other features include:


    • The water filter cartridges can be regenerated rather than thrown away
    • 100 different ways to combine your filtration mediums and water filter cartridges
    • The PROaqua 4200 Water Filter's main filter cartridges include: Mebrane Bacteria Filter, REDOXOL - Wool Filter, LIME Resin Filter, DOLOMIT - Rocks, Nitrate Resin, Active CArbon, Fleece Filter, Fine Mesh Filter, Gravel Bed Filter and  REDOXOL Granulate Filter
    • Complies with all food regulations
    • PROaqua 4200 drinking water systems have hygenic certification and complies with food regulations and medical standards
    • German manufacturing
    • PROaqua 4200 drinking water treatments filters two litres of water per minute
    • Cartridges can last up to 5 years

    Benefits of Using Filtered Water from the PROaqua 4200 Multi Barrier Water Filters
    PROaqua 4200 pure water filters removes pollutants, impurities and chemicals of all concentrations and kinds. Other benefits include:



    • These rainwater filters protect your family from unexpected water contamination
    • The water filtration kits remove unpleasant odours
    • PROaqua 4200 rainwater filtration devices are designed to remove harmful chemicals added to control bacteria in town water supplies
    • Can be easily installed into existing plumbing
    • The water filter provide qualty water that can be used for medical purposes
    • Multiple water filter cartridges to suit your water supply
    • Elimnates lead, copper, zinc, iron, nitrate, nitrite, sulphate, lime, ammonium, potassium, bacteria and enriches water with mineral substances
    • Filters can be regenerated at low cost
    • PROaqua 4200 water filtration equipment is easy to maintain

    Water Purification Systems
    The Provitec
    portable water filter
    PROaqua 4200 Multi Barrier System can be installed in households, gastronomy, caravans, boats and workplaces. The filtered water can be used to prepare baby food, face cleansing, cooking, drinking, washing vegetables and watering plants providing contamination free, microbiological impeccable, high quality water.


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