Most of us have read about sustainability and are aware of its thriving benefits in theory. However, if those sustainability ideas come into actual practice, we can live in a world where cities are green, clean and smog-free. Sounds amazing? While this vision may seem a bit utopian, many cities are actively working on such projects to transform themselves into green ecosystems.

In view of the degenerating condition of our ecosystem, the world is witnessing a paradigm shift in its thought process, which is now more inclined towards saving the environment to restore health and harmony amongst the masses.

There have been many ideas and inventions that could make our cities sustainable and eco-friendly. However, due to the lack of resources and training amongst those in the administrative positions, there has been a substantial delay in executing those ideas to build a future green city.

In this article, we will delve into the necessary features that can work as building blocks for the future green city and how urban cities can adopt these features to secure today and tomorrow.

What does it mean to be a Future Green City?

The purpose of a sustainable city or a future green city is to address the social, economic, and environmental impacts on a city through detailed urban management planning. This planning should include steps that help reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution and protect the natural environment by enhancing air quality.

A city with solar-powered buildings, green spaces such as rooftop gardens and more cyclists than cars are a few ways through which cities can become sustainable. Smart cities actively undertake these few components to achieve an ideal ecosystem.

The design of a future green city requires a multi-disciplinary approach. This is because the nature of every city is dynamic with different scales, sizes, population density and more. The five major dimensions that should be focused on are:

  • Use of economic structures
  • Promotion of economic growth
  • Reduction of poverty
  • Protection of the environment
  • Provision of social services

Why is it important to build a Future Green City? 

As more of us crowd into cities, we face challenges at the hands of many forces, and the force that impacts us the most is climatic change. This can be significantly seen in the rising temperatures with each passing year, shrinking greenery, degrading air quality, strained resources due to increased vehicles on the road, and more.

Most people working towards developing sustainable cities are doing so with the desire to live in a quieter, safer, accessible, cleaner, and healthier environment. This ideal city would have less air and noise pollution, a powerful harmony in the community, cheaper public transportation systems to diminish the usage of cars, and top-notch sewer and sanitation systems to prioritise healthcare.

Those in administrative positions are making efforts to transform cities into more sustainable ones. A sustainable city examines the city’s ecosystem and infrastructure holistically. The push to make more cities sustainable is a noble one that will enrich the lives of all its inhabitants.

Features of a Future Green City

Protecting the environment at all costs should be the goal of every individual residing in it. This can only be achieved by minimising the usage of energy and ensuring the optimum use of natural resources.

Let’s look at some noteworthy features that can be applied for effective and efficient results.

1. Collaborative Action

Every issue can be solved if the masses are involved. Collective consciousness amongst all the administrations can help figure out the loopholes, which can eventually result in effective and timely outcomes. 

2. Renewed Economics

Finance departments should have a planned strategy to make a compelling case for investments made for sustainability. Generating more jobs, reducing crimes and inequalities, and improving the healthcare system for the citizens should also be taken into sincere consideration.

3. Networking 

It is important for administrations to travel to different cities and discuss their methods only to bring back some innovative techniques. This is so that effective methods can be spread and executed everywhere.

4. Training

To undertake such big projects and bring substantial changes, people need to be given proper training. A trained individual would stay up to date with the latest methods, thinking, and technologies.

5. Encouraging Walking and Cycling

In cities, people always suffer from high traffic on the roads. The use of personal vehicles like cars, motorbikes, etc., are leading causes of air pollution as well. Cycling and walking not only help reduce air pollution but also save resources and promote health and wellness. 

6. Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Charging points at frequent distances will make it easier for people to use an electric vehicle and leave it at a nearby charging spot for someone else to use. This will encourage people to use electric vehicles, at least for short journeys. 

7. Seeking the Wisdom of the Masses

Since the masses are central to the whole discussion for developing a sustainable world, it is important to ask them for some innovative ideas that can be implemented to make their world happier and healthier.

8. Create Room for Nature

Enough areas should be assigned to build natural and semi-natural spaces. This is to improve biodiversity, enhance air quality, enrich wellbeing, and reduce pollution. Moreover, along with communities, individuals should also be encouraged to grow plants on their terraces and rooftops.

Make smarter choices to build a Future Green City with Schneider Electric

As the most sustainable corporation, Schneider Electric acts on necessary steps to create a climate-positive world by progressively developing and investing in innovative solutions that deliver effective and lasting results. Our major purpose is to bridge progress and sustainability for all through the effective use of energy and resources.

Explore innovative ideas on sustainability to build a future green city with Schneider Electric’s experienced team that keeps its eyes on the future of corporate sustainability and energy management.