Select Staging Concepts advises their customers to start small and progressively build up their portable performance systems to meet their changing needs.
The Australian-owned manufacturer of stage systems and accessories, Select Staging Concepts specialises in supplying their customers, a range of solutions that exactly meet their performance and budget needs.
Reminding customers about the availability of substantial tax breaks and various community/ council grants for stage purchases, Select Staging Concepts says that they can also own a portable stage system in multiple sizes and heights by working with their sales team to create a fully functional exclusive stage system, complete with individually sized podiums, stairs, handrails and curtain system that may be gradually added to meet budget limitations.
Select Staging Concepts offers portable stage systems for all theatrical and orchestral performances; graduation and award presentations; formal dinners; fashion shows; drama classes; group fitness classes; school assembly and performances; expo and event displays; and merchandising display podiums.