Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    Skile innovative floor light panels

    Skile floor panels are designed to illuminate and add life to a room via the floor. There are a wide range of applications for these products: to brighten up a dance floor, maintain proper lighting in dressing rooms, decorate hallways, hotel lobbies and shops.

    The flooring panels are available in plain white or a changing sequence of red, green and blue colours. The panels are powered by high efficiency LED’s built to last up to 50,000 hours.

     Main benefits of the flooring light panels:

    • Simulate the beauty of nature             
    • Generate gentle and even light
    • Replaceable images
    • Low voltage & efficient LED lights
    • Compatible with different ceiling systems
    • Easy installation & low maintenance

    The panels offer smooth light throughout with no glare or strobe effect to deliver excellent quality lighting. 

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