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    Summerland Energy Efficient Products

    Summerland Energy Efficient Products for your Solar Hot Water

    Summerland Energy Efficient Products supplying Solar Hot Water Split systems and Solar Heat Pumps.

    A Solar Hot Water Split system consists of collector panels on the roof and a water tank down on the ground (this usually replaces your old Electric Hot Water tanks). A small pump circulates the water from the tank to the collectors on the roof to heat the water with the heat from the sun.

    Summerland Energy Efficient Products supply both Electric and Gas Boost systems.

    Electric Boosting Solar Hot Water Systems

    Boosting with electricity is available where connection to either Natural Gas or LPG is not feasible.


    • Often possible to use the cheaper off-peak tariff.
    • On days with good solar gain, the tank will normally reach 60°C with minimal electric boosting.


    Gas Boosting Solar Hot Water Systems

    Powered with the same technology as Australia's No.1 continuous flow hot water system providing a host of benefits including: 

    • Gas is the most economical and environmentally friendly way to boost the water temperature if required. 
    • Operates only when the hot tap is turned on, and even then only if the water in the tank is not already 60°C.

    The continuous flow booster ensures continuous flow of hot water regardless of whether the sun is shining or not. 

    The Benefits of Solar Hot Water to consider

    Producing hot water for the home has the largest impact on your energy bill in most Australian homes. Using solar energy to heat your water can substantially reduce energy bills, even in colder climates, and will reduce the emission of Greenhouse Gases. In most States replacing an electric water heater with a gas boosted solar water heater can reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by approximately 3.7 tonnes per year, equivalent to taking a small car off the road.

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