Supawood’s Supaslat Maxi pre-finished light weight beams have been extensively used throughout a corporate fit out in a 5 Star Green Star Office Design v2 rated building in Brisbane’s premier office park.

The design commitment for the entire building was to create state-of-the-art green credentials in green design rating and energy efficiency while demonstrating foresight and environmental responsibility. Supaslat Maxi beams met the requirements for the designer’s criteria of environmental sustainability as the honeycomb core, which is 80% of the beam thickness, is made from post consumer recycled paper waste.

The light weight beams have been used in several areas of the corporate offices including reception, lounge and the staff cafeteria, creating a dramatic directional effect while also providing concealed access to utilities. The designer has selected different finishes to enhance the overall decor used in each of these areas – both contemporary solid colour and the warmth of natural timber veneers. Additionally, SUPAWOOD’s Supacoustic acoustic ceiling panels were installed immediately above the Supaslat Maxi beams, which met the desired acoustic requirements as well as hiding the ceiling space above the beams.

Supaslat Maxi’s light weight construction proved the ideal solution for giving the illusion of heavy decorative beams without the hassle of having to work with cumbersome materials. The choice of pre-finished Supaslat Maxi ensured no warping as could be experienced with solid timber beams.

As Supaslat Maxi is prefinished onsite installation was simple and economic.