TRIMBLE’s new CCS900 Compaction Control System uses satellite-based positioning and on-board compaction analysis tools to give the roller operator continuous, real time feedback on the degree of compaction achieved as the machine moves across the site, together with the ability to check finished grade accuracy. The system can also record the data and relay it wirelessly to the office for analysis and archiving.
The CCS900 is based on Trimble’s GCS900 Grade Control System. For cm-level real time kinematic positioning it can be configured to work with a GPS base station and GPSGlonass satellites, or it can operate without a base station, using Satellite-based Augmentation Systems that provide positioning corrections from geostationary satellites.
The system is offered in two levels of functionality:
Basic Compaction Control, and
Advanced Compaction Control and Documentation for Trimble Ready rollers.
With Basic Compaction Control a screen at the operator’s station provides real-time information on the number of roller passes given to each area of the worked layer. This feature can eliminate unnecessary passes and save time and fuel. The screen also gives a graphical representation of the areas needing cutting and filling to bring the surface to design grade.
This provides an early check of grade levels and assists with maintaining good site drainage. A lift detection feature assists the operator in evenly compacting material in configurable lifts.
Compaction measurement
The Advanced Compaction Control and Documentation for Trimble Ready rollers function offers all the benefits available in the basic mode and interfaces with an on-board vibratory control module to provide compaction measurement as Compaction Meter Value (CMV) data. This data is displayed and logged to a data card in real time. The operator can also perform on-screen spot checks and view individual CMV values for specific points on the compacted surface, thereby defining the location and extent of any soft spots needing rework and detecting zones where target compaction levels have not been met.
The system also provides a measure of drum bounce, in Resonance Meter Values, that indicates when overcompaction is being approached and allows the operator to adjust compactive effort accordingly.
For final compaction runs, Proofing Mode can be enabled. In this mode, CMV values are stored to a file on the data card and, for comparison, subsequent CMV values displayed in a new CMV map. The percentage of CMV values within the target CMV ranges is also displayed. With detailed, real time information available on compaction progress, subsequent works can be planned for and delays minimised. The optimisation of truck delivery times is just one example.
Wireless data transfer, available with the advanced compaction control and documentation function, allows the same detailed views the operator has on the machine to be regenerated in the office and allows compaction data for each lift to be viewed and analysed using the compaction module of Trimble Site Vision software.
No longer is the roller just a compacting machine; the Trimble CCS900 Compaction Control System has raised the roller’s importance to match that of the other satellite-guided earthmoving machines.
Source: Construction Contractor