Gemma Battenbough . Articles Trade union boss appointed to GBCA board The Green Building Council of Australia has appointed a trade union heavyweight to its board in the hope of finding new opportunities for 'green collar' workers. NSW does 'heavy lifting' on clean energy: Rees The NSW state government has announced plans to stimulate clean energy investment by fast-tracking wind farms, waiving infrastructure fees and parachuting in new environmental staff. Stockland in Victorian land grab Stockland has bought a 124ha land parcel in Victoria's fastest growing municipality for $56.5 million, in anticipation of rezoning. Cancer centre designs 'not green' and 'inconsistent': Mayor The Mayor of Sydney has slated the designs for St Vincent's new cancer centre as "inconsistent", "gross" and environmentally unsustainable. Broadband 'imperative' in reorganizing cities: industry The roll out of broadband to Greenfield sites will reform urban dynamics and revolutionize home design, say stakeholders in the federal government's consultation. Universities call for government help over "housing stress" High rents and low vacancies are forcing students to live in 'ghettos' and it's time for the government to step in, a university group claims.