Lisa Rapley . Articles BSE - Worksmart@420 The fitout of Jones Lang LaSalle had to have excellent sustainability credentials to enhance the company's corporate image and improve staff productivity and well-being. Stockland (T&Z Architects) - Affinity Retirement Village Clubhouse The Affinity Village Clubhouse is the heart of the retirement village and an extension of the residents’ homes, brought to life by their social activities and events. Kerstin Thompson Architects - Marysville Police Station Following the devastating Victorian fires in 2009, the humble Marysville Police Station was pivotal to the re-establishment and reformation of the Marysville community. Environa Studio - The Wayside Chapel The brief called for a new five-storey rebuild as well as the refurbishment of an existing building. EME Design - Mildura Eco Living Centre The Mildura Eco Living Centre is a playful educational space demonstrating creativity on a tight budget. dwp|suters - Bentleigh Secondary College Meditation & Indigenous Cultural Centre Bentleigh Secondary College wanted to educate students about the environment and help them become sustainable citizens through building design.