Turn on specialist care: How BRITA helps hygiene in hospitals, healthcare and aged care facilities
The post-pandemic world has learned that though the global emergency caused by COVID-19 has clearly passed, its lessons has heightened the need for vigilance. This was especially made clear in healthcare locations like hospitals and aged-care facilities, where hygiene standards need to be maintained.The post-pandemic world has learned that though the global emergency caused by COVID-19 has clearly passed, its lessons has heightened the need for vigilance. This was especially made clear in healthcare locations like hospitals and aged-care facilities, where hygiene standards need to be maintained. And for standards to be kept at efficient high levels, the call for good hygiene design in healthcare locations is paramount.
Statistics shared recently by the US Centre of Disease Control (CDC) reveal a significant percentage of healthcare facilities still face challenges with water hygiene worldwide. This is reflected in a smaller yet proportionate ratio in Australia. Concerns for efficient end-to-end hygiene solutions especially for dedicated healthcare locations are still high in the post-pandemic world.
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Turn on specialist care: How BRITA helps hygiene in hospitals, healthcare and aged care facilities
The post-pandemic world has learned that though the global emergency caused by COVID-19 has clearly passed, its lessons has heightened the need for vigilance. This was especially made clear in healthcare locations like hospitals and aged-care facilities, where hygiene standards need to be maintained.- Popular Articles