Structural pine framing with protection against termites and borers
Simmonds Lumber presents H2 LOSP framing, a range of structural pine framing products offering long-term protection against pest attacks.Simmonds Lumber presents H2 LOSP framing, a range of structural pine framing products offering long-term protection against pest attacks.
H2 LOSP framing is treated with permethrin Light Organic Solvent Preservative (LOSP) to provide protection against borers and termites in aboveground interior framing applications in high risk zones (i.e. north of the tropic of Capricorn).
Simmonds Lumber offers a 25-year guarantee for H2 LOSP framing against termite and borer attack for complete peace of mind. H2 LOSP framing is perfect for frame and truss applications in residential or light commercial applications, especially in high risk areas.
Sizes [Width x Thickness (mm)]: 90×35, 90×45, 70×35, 70×45, 120×35, 120×45, 140×35, 140×45, 190×35, 190×45, 240×45, 290×45
Certifications: AFS, FSC

Simmonds Lumber
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