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Simmonds Lumber
Simmonds Lumber

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Structural pine framing with protection against termites and borers
Structural pine framing with protection against termites and borers

Simmonds Lumber presents H2 LOSP framing, a range of structural pine framing products offering long-term protection agai...

Introducing the versatile SimBoard OSB
Introducing the versatile SimBoard OSB

SimBoard, the latest innovation from Simmonds Lumber is an Oriented Strand Board (OSB) made using 100% pinewood sourced ...

Display AddressRosehill, NSW

1 Durham Street

02 9638 7333
Display AddressBanyo, QLD

146-164 Buchanan Road

07 3267 0244
Display AddressDandenong, VIC

22-32 Nathan Road

03 9791 2241