Recladding, refurbishment and rectification of existing commercial buildings
After a series of catastrophic cladding fires around the world, there has been significant cause for alarm about the safety and structural integrity of our commercial, medium and high-density buildings. Free to download, Recladding, refurbishment and rectification of existing commercial buildings unpacks the multifaceted demands of compliance and the best alternatives to combustible composite panels.After a series of catastrophic cladding fires around the world, there has been significant cause for alarm about the safety and structural integrity of our commercial, medium and high-density buildings.
Free to download, Recladding, refurbishment and rectification of existing commercial buildings unpacks the multifaceted demands of compliance and the best alternatives to combustible composite panels.

Recladding, refurbishment and rectification of existing commercial buildings
After a series of catastrophic cladding fires around the world, there has been significant cause for alarm about the safety and structural integrity of our commercial, medium and high-density buildings.
Free to download, Recladding, refurbishment and rectification of existing commercial buildings unpacks the multifaceted demands of compliance and the best alternatives to combustible composite panels.
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