Specifying responsibly: Evaluating and selecting products for sustainable construction
Specifying responsibly means extracting multiple benefits from the products selected, not just for the project, but also the wider community. Through a careful and informed selection process, it is possible to identify building products and materials that combine desirable architectural attributes with positive environmental and social impacts.Specifying responsibly means extracting multiple benefits from the products selected, not just for the project, but also the wider community. Through a careful and informed selection process, it is possible to identify building products and materials that combine desirable architectural attributes with positive environmental and social impacts.
Download this whitepaper for an essential guide to specifying responsibly to reduce our impact on the environment and ensure the health and wellbeing of all stakeholders in the supply chain.

Specifying responsibly: Evaluating and selecting products for sustainable construction
Download this whitepaper for an essential guide to specifying responsibly to reduce our impact on the environment and ensure the health and wellbeing of all stakeholders in the supply chain.
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