Sustainability eBook 2024: Bondor Metecno
In 2024, Bondor Metecno was the proud sponsor of the Sustainability Awards 'Adaptive Reuse (Alteration/Addition); category. This category recognises the adaptive reuse of a building (heritage and/or new) that has minimal impact on the historical significance of the building and its setting, while also pursuing a design that is sympathetic to the building in order to give it a new purpose.
Building design is a linchpin in the pursuit of sustainability. Through thoughtful consideration of orientation, materials, energy systems, and water management, architects and engineers hold the power to create structures that harmonize with the environment rather than deplete it. By prioritizing sustainability in design, we pave the way for a more ecologically balanced and resilient future.
In 2024, Bondor Metecno was the proud sponsor of the Sustainability Awards 'Adaptive Reuse (Alteration/Addition); category. This category recognises the adaptive reuse of a building (heritage and/or new) that has minimal impact on the historical significance of the building and its setting, while also pursuing a design that is sympathetic to the building in order to give it a new purpose.
Download this eBook to find out about this category and Bondor's sustainability journey which offer solutions that go beyond energy code compliance, empowering a new standard of sustainable, high-performance building design in Australia.
Sustainability eBook 2024: Bondor Metecno
Download this eBook to find out about this category and Bondor's sustainability journey.
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