Stormtech’s GreenTag HealthRATE™ Platinum Certifications
With the results of the recent election pointing firmly towards the likelihood of stronger governmental climate action in Australia, it’s fair to say that things are looking up for the environment. But the wheels of government turn slowly, and - as has been the case for many years now - the responsibility for positive climate action still sits firmly within our business community.With the results of the recent election pointing firmly towards the likelihood of stronger governmental climate action in Australia, it’s fair to say that things are looking up for the environment. But the wheels of government turn slowly, and - as has been the case for many years now - the responsibility for positive climate action still sits firmly within our business community. While many businesses are content to comply with relevant standards, tick the sustainability boxes and move on, some - like Stormtech - see sustainability as an ethical imperative, but also something that makes good business sense.
The architecture and design industries are among the most environmentally conscious in the country. It’s fair to say that architects and designers are acutely aware of their role in - literally and figuratively - building the future. And this deep sense of legacy, coupled with the push for more sustainable solutions from clients, is an additional driver for product manufacturers to really push the envelope where sustainability is concerned.
Of course, some businesses take this responsibility more seriously than others. Stormtech is a prime example of a business who is continually pushing their products to be more sustainable across the full manufacturing process, and ensures they’re achieving the highest levels of voluntary certifications to showcase these achievements, and put the minds of environmentally conscious architects and end-users at ease. One of Stormtech’s many notable achievements in this regard, is the recent award of GreenTag HealthRate Platinum certification for three of their products.
The name Global GreenTag will be well known to anyone in the industry with even a slight interest in sustainability. The mark is made up of a number of certifications that take a holistic approach to certified sustainability. Stormtech’s two flagship linear drain solutions, the Slimline Composite uPVC Channel and Stainless Grate and Slimline Stainless Steel Drainage System Series have already achieved a number of GreenTag’s top certifications: GreenTag GreenRate Level A, GreenTag LCARate Gold and GreenTag EPD ISO 14025. These put them in the ‘world-leading’ category for these certifications.
The Global GreenTag Product Health Declaration (PHD) is the first of its kind in the world, a certification tool that recognises manufacturers who fully disclose the toxicity information of their products with 100 percent transparency. The GreenTag PHD then provides a GreenTag HealthRATE™ mark, which clearly communicates for manufacturers, industry and consumers a measurement of the varying levels of healthiness of their products as well.
Stormtech has now achieved GreenTag HealthRate Platinum certification for the Slimline Composite uPVC Channel and Stainless Grate, Slimline Stainless Steel Drainage System Series and Slot Drain, uPVC products, putting each in the ‘world-leading’ category. This allows designers and specifiers to make the most informed choices regarding the material toxicity of Stormtech drains, and to rest assured that Stormtech has considered how toxicity can be reduced at every stage of the production process.
The HealthRate Platinum certification is a shorthand way for specifiers to understand how Stormtech products will contribute to the overall sustainability profile of their projects - which is incredibly valuable when going for higher Green Star ratings, and even PassivHaus designs. But moreover, it’s an example of how Stormtech as a business is fulfilling their social responsibilities, and putting the minds of environmentally conscious architects and end-users at ease.
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