The future of kitchens and bathrooms: Why specifying sensor taps for the home is the way forward
Often associated with commercial, healthcare or food preparation settings, sensor taps have grown in popularity due to increased hygiene awareness. However, concerns about cross-contamination, health and hygiene are equally as legitimate in the home as they are in public or commercial spaces. With added benefits such as convenience, reduced water and energy bills, and accessibility, sensor taps designed for domestic use are the wave of the future.Often associated with commercial, healthcare or food preparation settings, sensor taps have grown in popularity due to increased hygiene awareness within the design and functionality of these spaces. However, concerns about cross-contamination, health and hygiene are equally as legitimate in the home as they are in public or commercial spaces. With leading manufacturers offering sensor taps specifically designed for domestic use, designers and specifiers have the opportunity to deliver enhanced functionality to homeowners without compromising on style.
The Future of Kitchens and Bathrooms: Why specifying sensor taps for the home is the way forward highlights the key arguments for specifying sensor taps for domestic use. The impact of sensor taps in residential applications is explored under the following topics: hygiene and health, convenience and ease-of-use, sustainability and accessibility. Each topic highlights the benefits of sensor taps and how they address issues faced in every Australian home. We also present two leading solutions that have been specially designed for residential bathrooms and kitchens.
Autoflo is an Australian manufacturer of electronic tapware for kitchens and bathrooms in the public and private commercial sector, healthcare, hospitality, education, and residential sectors. With its Memo Sia and Mizu Drift range, Autoflo offers touch-free handwashing for residential kitchens and bathrooms, in a sensible way that pairs well with modern home design.
Download this whitepaper and learn about the benefits of specifying sensor taps for residential kitchens and bathrooms.

The future of kitchens and bathrooms: Why specifying sensor taps for the home is the way forward
Download this whitepaper and learn about the benefits of specifying sensor taps for residential kitchens and bathrooms.
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