Water leaking at the basement wall: Addressing the universal building issue
Water leaking at the basement wall, including the wall and wall-to-slab footing junction, is an all-too-common issue in modern buildings. It is a significant pain point for building owners and occupants from both a health and economic perspective as this type of water ingress can contribute to sick building syndrome, the growth of mould and mildew, damage to stored equipment and decreased property values values stemming from decay.Water leaking at the basement wall, including the wall and wall-to-slab footing junction, is an all-too-common issue in modern buildings. It is a significant pain point for building owners and occupants from both a health and economic perspective as this type of water ingress can contribute to sick building syndrome, the growth of mould and mildew, damage to stored equipment and decreased property values stemming from decay and concrete cancer.
Download this whitepaper to understand the root causes of basement wall leakage and the latest design innovations that can help prevent the issue from occurring in the first place.

Water leaking at the basement wall: Addressing the universal building issue
Water leaking at the basement wall, including the wall and wall-to-slab footing junction, is an all-too-common issue in modern buildings. It is a significant pain point for building owners and occupants from both a health and economic perspective as this type of water ingress can contribute to sick building syndrome, the growth of mould and mildew, damage to stored equipment and decreased property values stemming from decay and concrete cancer.
Download this whitepaper to understand the root causes of basement wall leakage and the latest design innovations that can help prevent the issue from occurring in the first place.
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