Workplace strategist Melissa Marsden weighs in on the future of the modern workplace in her new book, ‘The Next Workplace’.

With hybrid working here to stay, and more workers opting for fully remote roles, is the concept of the traditional office becoming obsolete? In an environment of flux, how can companies create shared working spaces and make their employees feel connected to the physical workplace?

Marsden, founder of COMUNiTI and one of Australia’s leading experts in workplace strategy with over 20 years of experience, discusses the dynamics of the hybrid workplace in her recently launched book, and how organisations can create workplaces that are people-focused and future-proofed.

Workplace design, according to the author, directly impacts the productivity and performance of your people and the success of your business.

Featuring real-life case studies of organisations Marsden has worked with to reimagine their workplaces, bring brand personalities to life, and empower teams to perform at their best, the books breaks down perceptions of what a workplace should be, and aims to encourage more leaders to leverage their workplace to attract and retain talent, increase employee engagement, elevate employee experience, and deliver bottom line returns on their investment.

“I look beyond mere aesthetics and utilise data to create workspaces that champion flexibility, culture, purpose, collaboration, and wellbeing to enhance employee experience driving outstanding results of an average of 85% increase in productivity, 95% increase in job satisfaction and 87% of employees feeling happier at work.”

According to Marsden, organisations need to take a holistic approach to productivity and ROI to ensure employee wellbeing. “When your staff are happier, they’re highly engaged, collaborate more often, and deliver an overall stronger performance, inciting better results for the clients and the company.”

“Ultimately, a workplace is more than just a fitout, it’s an essential part of a brand’s core identity. A well-designed and optimised workplace is one of the greatest investments an organisation can make, and can take their workplace from a liability on a balance sheet and just another cost of operations, and turn it into an asset, which inspires, motivates, and energises their employees for the next decade and beyond,” Marsden concludes.