Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    We can make roof tiles with built-in solar cells – now the challenge is to make them cheaper
    We can make roof tiles with built-in solar cells – now the challenge is to make them cheaper

    While solar panels adorn hundreds of thousands of rooftops throughout Australia, we have not yet seen the logical next step: buildings with solar photovoltaic cells as an integral part of their structure.

    Australia is the runaway global leader in building new renewable energy
    Australia is the runaway global leader in building new renewable energy

    In Australia, renewable energy is growing at a per capita rate ten times faster than the world average. Australia is demonstrating to the world how rapidly an industrialised country with a fossil-fuel-dominated electricity system can transition towards low-carbon, renewable power generation.

    'Transformer' rooms and robo-furniture are set to remake our homes – and lives – before our eyes
    'Transformer' rooms and robo-furniture are set to remake our homes – and lives – before our eyes

    The need to use building space more efficiently means adaptive and responsive domestic micro-environments will replace the old concept of static rooms within a private apartment.

    'Edible forests' can fight land clearing and world hunger at the same time
    'Edible forests' can fight land clearing and world hunger at the same time

    Reducing emissions from deforestation and farming is an urgent global priority if we want to control climate change. However, like many climate change problems, the solution is complicated.

    Affordable housing lessons from Sydney, Hong Kong and Singapore: Three keys to getting the policy mix right
    Affordable housing lessons from Sydney, Hong Kong and Singapore: Three keys to getting the policy mix right

    Five Australian cities are in the top 25 with “severely unaffordable” housing in a 2019 Demographia survey of 91 major metropolitan markets. Sydney was ranked the third least affordable of the 91.

    Superblocks are transforming Barcelona. They might work in Australian cities too
    Superblocks are transforming Barcelona. They might work in Australian cities too

    The Spanish city of Barcelona has pioneered an innovative approach to managing traffic, freeing up public space and promoting walking and cycling. The “superblocks” model produces considerable health and economic benefits and could be applied in Australian cities too.

    Civilization: The Way We Live Now – powerful, troubling photographs of a crowded planet and uncertain future
    Civilization: The Way We Live Now – powerful, troubling photographs of a crowded planet and uncertain future

    Civilization: The Way We Live Now, which has just opened at the National Gallery of Victoria, brings together over 100 contemporary photographers from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and Australia with over 200 photographs.

    Keeping the city cool isn't just about tree cover – it calls for a commons-based climate response
    Keeping the city cool isn't just about tree cover – it calls for a commons-based climate response

    A recent report by the Greater Sydney Commission identifies tree canopy as the top response for reducing city temperatures and delivering amenity. However, the public conversation about urban heat often misses the complex relationship between trees, people and the built environment.

    Rudd's rental affordability scheme was a $1 billion gift to developers. Abbott was right to axe it
    Rudd's rental affordability scheme was a $1 billion gift to developers. Abbott was right to axe it

    The value of the NRAS subsidy was set much higher than it needed to be. Other policies, such as building social housing and boosting Commonwealth Rent Assistance, would be better targeted and waste less money along the way.

    People want and need more housing choice. It's about time governments stood up to deliver it
    People want and need more housing choice. It's about time governments stood up to deliver it

    Vested interests – both the big end of town and traditionalists seeking to preserve Australians’ suburban way of life – have come together in a rare alliance to argue against policies to deliver more diverse housing.

    Trees can add $50,000 value to a Sydney house, so you might want to put down that chainsaw
    Trees can add $50,000 value to a Sydney house, so you might want to put down that chainsaw

    Sydney’s Inner West Council has a new policy that reportedly means “residents will no longer need to seek council approval to prune or remove trees within three metres of an existing home or structure”.

    Clean, green machines: the truth about electric vehicle emissions
    Clean, green machines: the truth about electric vehicle emissions

    Despite the overwhelming evidence that electric vehicle technology can deliver significant economic, environmental and health benefits, misinformation continues to muddy the public debate in Australia.

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