The site of Charlestown’s former TAFE facility will soon undergo a transformation, with Uniting gaining approval for a 200-unit and 120-bed aged care facility designed by Plus Architecture.

The sheer size of the project meant that the NSW Government had final say on the development application, with a State Significant Development Approval (SSDA) confirmed for the project last week. 

Comprising four buildings varying in height from 5-14 storeys, residents will benefit from a number of amenities including a hair salon, pool, clubhouse, landscaped rooftop with BBQ area, outdoor seating and dining, cafe, walking paths, landscaped grounds and gardens and a chapel/multi faith space. Allied health and medical rooms will also be included, as well as a wellness centre.

The project will be delivered in stages over the coming years. With the SSDA given by the state government, the facility will be fast tracked, creating 600 jobs across the construction phase plus 150 upon completion.

charlestown aged care

“The demand for retirement living options is increasing rapidly. Almost one in three people in the Lake Macquarie region is aged over 55, and the number of people aged 65 and over is expected to increase by almost 30 per cent over the next 20 years,” says Uniting Director of Property and Housing Simon Furness.

“Recognising the demand and ongoing need for quality retirement living options, Uniting is steadfast in our plans to double the number of independent living units over the next 10 years to around 6,000, primarily driven by building new retirement villages.”

Work on the tender process will commence in early 2024, with the aim being to appoint the builder by late 2024 for an early 2025 construction commencement.