The Australian
Institute of Non-destructive Testing (AINDT) Conference provides an opportunity
for maintenance and quality assurance professionals to learn more about NDT
technologies from global experts. The four-day conference is being held this
year at the Sofitel Brisbane Central from 23-26 November.
Olympus Australia
will be demonstrating a range of NDT, phased array, remote visual inspection
(RVI) and X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) equipment at their stand. NDT refers to any
analysis technique used to evaluate the properties of materials or components
without causing damage or permanently altering the article being inspected.
Olympus staff will
be on hand to discuss the latest NDT tools from the company. NDT Product
Specialist Richard Nowak will be giving practical demonstrations of the Nortec
N600 eddy current analyser and the RollerFORM phased array wheel probe.
Nicholas Bublitz
from Olympus Scientific Solutions America will be presenting a technical paper
titled ‘Improving Surface Mine Profitability with Phased Array Ultrasonics’ at
the AINDT Conference. Visitors to the Olympus stand will have the opportunity
to meet with Bublitz to discuss a range of NDT solutions or troubleshoot
advanced applications.
A Global Product
Support Specialist with Olympus SSA since 2012, Bublitz is responsible for the
global support and industry advancement of all NDT equipment produced by
Olympus. He will be focussing on Phased Array and Time of Flight Diffraction
(TofD) ultrasound during his Australia visit.
Olympus National Key
Accounts & Technical Manager Graham Maxwell comments that Olympus’ new
technologies and the range of analysis, testing and imaging instrumentation allow
the company to supply equipment for a wide range of non-destructive
applications in diverse industries.