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Ampelite Australia
Ampelite Australia

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    Wonderglas GC GRP sheeting adds a glow to the Icehouse facade
    Wonderglas GC GRP sheeting adds a glow to the Icehouse facade

    Wonderglas GC, a UV protected glass reinforced polyester (GRP) sheeting product from Ampelite Australia was installed on...

    Lexan Thermoclick installed as soffit lining at Churchill Community Hub
    Lexan Thermoclick installed as soffit lining at Churchill Community Hub

    Lexan Thermoclick from Ampelite Australia was specified for the soffit lining at the entrance to the Churchill Community...

    Display AddressDandenong, VIC

    Cnr Kitchen & Zenith Rd

    03 9794 0977
    Postal AddressNSW

    03 9794 0977
    Postal AddressQLD

    03 9794 0977
    Postal AddressSA

    03 9794 0977
    Postal AddressWA

    03 9794 0977