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Oceania Glass™

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Genuine Hush – tested and certified acoustic glass
Genuine Hush – tested and certified acoustic glass

Australia’s leading brand of acoustic glass, Genuine Hush is highly specified and made exclusively by Oceania Glass™.

Oceania Glass™ water tower at Dandenong South – standing tall for over 60 years
Oceania Glass™ water tower at Dandenong South – standing tall for over 60 years

Standing at about 42.5 metres in height, the water tower is over 60 years old and is a distinctive part of the industria...

Display AddressIngleburn, NSW

Syndey Merchandising 8 Williamson Rd

1800 337 000
Display AddressCranbourne, VIC

Melbourne Merchandising Building B, 20 Whitfield Boulevard

1800 337 000