ADK Civil , which provides a wide array of installation services to its clients, has been approved by Ergon Energy. ADK Civil provides installation services of underground electrical cables and has been awarded with B rating for its project management services. The responsibilities in underground electrics division include comparing pillar box assemblies, collecting and coordinating materials, testing electrical network, terminating and joining low voltage connections and other such tasks.
ADK Civil also installs electrical ducts for new subdivisions. This company follows a non-ductive method called hydrovac excavations to excavate underground electrical networks.
ADK Civil has over 80 years of experience in the field of underground civil construction and aims at constructing long lasting and effective underground reticulation networks with the aid of excavators and skidsteer loaders.
The electrical services provided by ADK Civil include cable hauling, streetlight foundations, pipe lines, strreetlight installations and many more related services. The water services of ADK Civil includes pressure testing, pump stations, hydrants, T joints, valves to name a few. Apart from these, ADK Civil also provides many trenching, communication and sub-soil services.
ADK Civil also provides HydroVac excavation service which is a combination of powerful vacuum system and high pressure water for removing soil. Hydrovac can also be used for cleaning blocked conduits, under boring of foot paths for storm water access, among other applications.