PPM Artekk porcelain panels deliver a range of benefits, combining beautiful aesthetics with durability, fire resistance, thermal insulation and environmental protection.

1. Durability

The surface of the ceramic rock slab is fired at a high temperature, increasing its hardness and compressive strength, thereby, allowing it to effectively resist the erosion caused by exposure to natural elements such as wind, sun, rain and snow.

2. Aesthetics

Ceramic slabs come in a huge palette of colours, enabling customers to select different colours and patterns based on their personal preferences, and helping create beautiful buildings.

3. Fire resistance

The ceramic rock slab can resist high temperatures, increasing the material’s fire resistance and helping prevent damage from fire exposure.

4. Thermal insulation

Ceramic slabs have excellent thermal insulation properties, which can effectively prevent indoor temperature loss and reduce energy waste in winter.

5. Environmental protection

Ceramic rock slabs are made of natural stone, which does not contain any harmful substances, minimising pollution to the environment.

Ideal for exterior wall applications, PPM Artekk porcelain panels can help you create a more comfortable, safe and beautiful living environment.