Backatwork provides the new range of Sit – stand desks. Current office, workshop, university and home-study facilities tend to lock their users into a fixed posture for extended periods of time. They also have little or no capacity to accommodate different body sizes and types (other than through a height adjustable chair), and they give users no opportunity to stimulate circulation or maintain muscle tone. This can lead to a loss of productivity through fatigue and head/neck pain, as well as lost work time in the long-term because of passive back injuries.
Certainly adjustable chairs will go part of the way to improving working posture and relieving back pain, however, they will still only give a satisfactory sitting position. The height adjustability of Backatwork desks allow the user to match their working height to suit their changing needs throughout the day - including standing up to work or sitting on a gym ball or kneeling chair. This is not possible with small-range manual adjustment desks.
Users can also have their desks at slightly different heights required for reading, or manual work such as writing, drawing, laboratory tasks or administration processing tasks (ie: mail sorting, dispatch etc).
In addition, standard office and academic desk designs do not facilitate the work or study of people with back pain who may need to stand, or for those in wheel chairs that have special height requirements. Backatwork desks allow the user to not only set a height that suits their particular body size and needs, but to make even the smallest micro-adjustment to get the desk at exactly the right height to suit themselves. It takes about 10 seconds to adjust the full sit to stand height range.