A physically diverse workforce and uniform standard desks is a sub-optimal mismatch. With backatwork desks powered by Linak componentry you can press the button and quickly adjust the desk to your ideal comfort level anytime of the day.
Backatwork desks offer the following employee benefits with direct bottom line implications:
Feel better
Studies have shown that alternating between sitting and standing results in less discomfort and reduces the amount of fatigue many people feel at the end of the work day. This is the heart of the backatwork desk solution.
Lose weight
Linak has provided the componentry to Dr Levine’s “treadmill desk” which integrates a standing height desk and a treadmill delivers gentle exercise without taking time out.
Flexible workspace
Have a meeting at your desk with a co-worker and look at papers or the viewing screen without straining. As an added bonus, when you stand at your backatwork desk you can keep meetings and interruptions shorter.
Prevent injury
Adjusting the workstation to your individual needs can reduce the causes of work related stress. Alternate between sitting and standing and reduce these risks much further by avoiding problems caused by static posture or positions.