Clay Pave provides commercial and residential flooring solutions through its range of natural stone pavers, clay pavers and accessories. Clay Pave also supplies clean fill materials for building and infrastructure projects. Clay Pave manufactures the following range of natural stone pavers; arenite sand and arenite jade. The arenite sand range of natural pavers from Clay Pave is available in sizes of 230X115mm and 400X400mm. The arenite sand range of natural pavers from Clay Pave is available in 35mm thickness.
The arenite jade range of natural pavers from Clay Pave has a cold water absorption capacity of 0.30 percent. Clay Pave manufactures the following range of granite pavers; granite mist, granite smoke and granite fog pavers. The granite pavers manufactured by Clay Pave comes in bullnose shapes. The granite mist pavers from Clay Pave are available in 400X400X35mm sizes. The granite pavers manufactured by Clay Pave are suitable for installation in steps and pool surrounds. Clay Pave manufactures a range of megapave pavers in a variety of warm permanent colours.
Clay Pave manufactures the following range of megapave clay pavers; megapave gold, megapave tan, megapave sand, megapave marron, megapave rojo, meganose sand and meganose gold pavers.