Craft Metals specialises in the supply of an eye-catching range of
designer metals that meet the architectural, aesthetic and functional requirements
of modern commercial roofs.
Modern commercial roofing systems not only need to conform to dramatic
architectural forms, but are also expected to deliver all the functional,
aesthetic and sustainable benefits. Craft Metals’ product range is designed to
meet this specific demand in the building market.
Craft Metals supplies non-ferrous, non-rusting metals for roof and
facade claddings, specialising in Rheinzink zinc, Novelis Falzonal aluminium
and KME Tecu copper materials.
A curved feature roof with a graceful pre-weathered patina was recently
created for the new Highpoint Shopping Centre in Melbourne using Rheinzink
titanium zinc supplied by Craft Metals.
Commenting on the retail centre project, Craft Metals’ national
technical manager Dirk Janssen explained that Rheinzink titanium zinc cladding
was used for the project since the metal alloy delivers several advantages for
architects including forming a natural, protective patina, 100% recyclability
and low energy consumption for production over its lifetime. The Rheinzink
pre-weathered finish reduces reflectivity and emphasises the organic look of
this feature.
Janssen commented that Rheinzink pre-weathered material was chosen at
Highpoint for its classical appearance and for its capacity to follow the
complex double curved structure with different radiuses. It also met the
requirements for tapered sheets to form the indirectly fixed double standing
seam cladding.
For the zinc eave edges to match the roof shape, which resembled a
roller-coaster track with steep and low pitched sections, the substructure
elements had to be shaped from irregular, tapered segments, followed by zinc
cladding with individually roll-formed roof trays that fit like a glove.