Terms such as modular and prefab often come with negative connotations.

People have outdated ideas about what a prefab project entails and what the finished product will look like.

These days, however, modular construction companies such as Interpod are making structures that are superior to anything traditionally built.

Read on for the truth behind the five most common mistakes we hear about prefabricated construction.

Myth #1: Modular constructions are not durable

One of the biggest myths about modular buildings is that they aren’t made to last.

In the early days, it was a method used almost exclusively as a temporary measure. For example, when schools needed more classrooms, they built basic prefab portables.

Nowadays, a modular building isn’t a backup option but a preferred and long-term alternative. They are designed to be high quality, premium and permanent, and will last as long as traditional buildings.

Built with the same materials as on-site structures, there is no compromise on quality. High-tech equipment is used during every stage of the construction process, so products are robust, fully fitted and weather/water-resistant.

Myth #2: Modular builds are not cost-effective

Another common misconception is that prefab construction methods are not economical.

Many people believe the materials are cheap and maintenance is expensive, but this is just not the case.

All modular structures are made using top-quality prefabricated building components, and this reduces maintenance costs in the long run.

The overall method of construction is also cost-effective because of the efficiency of the process and the quality control. Time is money, but building a modular bathroom unit in a controlled factory setting means fewer delays and defects and faster assembly on site.

Myth #3: Modular designs are not architectural

A major criticism of modular building plans is that they lack creativity and flexibility. A still widely held view is that a prefab design is limited and lacklustre.

However, modular pods are bespoke, and the architecture can be as bold or as boring as a client wishes. Their only limitation is their imagination!

One of the biggest advantages of this type of construction is that design is as important as function. High-end prefab structures are indistinguishable from their traditional construction counterparts – both structurally and aesthetically.

Here at Interpod, our bathroom pods include high-quality fixtures, custom features and seamless finishes that come in a range of colours, textures, shapes and sizes for flawless integration. They are practical without skimping on style.

Myth #4: Prefab construction is not sustainable

Did you know that off-site construction is environment-friendly?

Being an eco-conscious business is important, and a prefabricated process comes with many sustainability benefits.

A modular construction industry’s carbon footprint and environmental impact are minimal. Factory-based builds produce less waste than building sites; outside equipment is only brought in for transportation and installation. On a regular construction site, additional trades and resources are ongoing.

Myth #5: Prefab building is not to Australian standards

The final myth we’re busting on behalf of the industry is that prefab and pod building is unregulated. This is simply not true.

Because modular construction projects are not a recent thing, they more than meet building industry regulations and codes.

Prefab building materials and methods follow strict standards and have to meet the same criteria as site-based builds, including compliance with Australian Standards, National Construction Code (NCC), D&BP Act, and specific council/DA conditions.

Compliance is easy as project managers, engineers and certifiers can closely monitor the entire process in a controlled environment.