PosiStruts are a truly customised, totally engineered flooring or roofing system which combines the versatility of timber with the strength of steel. Forget cutting through solid timber joists and reducing their strength. PosiStruts’ unique ‘open web’ design provides excellent access for services like: plumbing, electrical, heating & air conditioning/ducting without the need to modify the truss. Plus, they’re considerably lighter than solid timber joists or other alternatives, so handling on-site is a breeze.
PosiStruts can be specifically designed and engineered for your project and tailor made to accommodate special support conditions like hidden steel beams. They can be manufactured in lengths up to 12 metres, with a clear span to 7.9 metres making them ideal for large, open areas.
No other I-Beam can boast PosiStrut’s unique ‘Top Chord Support'. Installation is quicker, costs are reduced and there’s no need to use expensive fixings and brackets. Their wide chord surface also provides easier fixing, plus, it enables the truss to be placed upright, without the need for temporary bracing. PosiStruts are very strong and provide a rigid floor structure that’s even and uniform. You can fix flooring and ceiling linings without the need to trim or pack. The unique strongback bracing system used with PosiStrut floors tie adjacent PosiStruts together to minimise bounce and reduce the incidence of squeaky floors.
They're not just a flooring solution
PosiStrut’s innovative design also makes them ideal for roof construction. Although popular in domestic construction, PosiStruts are now making a name for themselves in a vast array of commercial and light industrial applications because they offer a far more cost-effective solution to steel and are much easier to install.
Many builders and developers – especially those working on large, multi-storey projects are specifying MiTek PosiStrut Flooring Cassettes. So, what exactly is a MiTek PosiStrut Flooring Cassette and how does it come together? It’s taking what you do currently on site and building (prefabricating) it in a factory utilising MiTek’s open-webbed, PosiStruts.
The floor is built to all the current specifications for deflections/reactions and acoustics. Plumbing locations, voids stacks, wastes and duct chases and recessed wet areas are all resolved at design stage to ensure ease of installation on site. Plus, MiTek PosiStrut Flooring Cassettes can also utilise top chord support so they can be craned into position on-site and fixed in minutes! Two men can do in a day what it takes three to four to do in 7 days – the results are that dramatic with more square metres of flooring laid by less labour in a lot less time! Another advantage is: there is no storage issue on-site. The truck arives and within minutes the first cassette can be craned into position.
Once installed and fitted (and relevant safety scaffolding erected) the cassettes can be walked on so the next part of the construction process can get underway. Plus, following trades can move in and start work. Plumbing, electrical, heating & air conditioning/ducting can all be readily accommodated by PosiStrut’s easy-access advantage. Combine the traditional benefits of PosiStruts with MiTek PosiStrut Flooring Cassettes and you have a solution that delivers substantial on-site advantages.
For more information visit: mitek.com.au or get the FREE PosiStrut App.