Project Overview

As part of the Town of Claremont’s plan to finalise infrastructure upgrades for Mrs Herberts Park, Moddex was privileged to be an integral part of the design process, supply and installation of their modular disability handrails and commercial balustrades.

Complementing the modern architecturally-curated design concept of the pathway access and toilet block upgrade, Moddex’s Assistrail and Conectabal look the part, exhibiting the subtle curvature theme of the design through shape, function and form.

Nestled on the edge of a calm cove of the Swan River, Mrs Herberts Park is a frequently visited public park in the leafy riverside township of Claremont, Perth. The park is located adjacent to the famous Freshwater Bay Museum, which was apparently at some point in history Mrs Herbert’s school, and hence the name!

Offering something for all ages, the family-friendly park features barbecues, a children’s playground, benches, beach access, and large grassy areas that are perfect for picnics in the sun or under the shade of the park’s abundant selection of trees.

Uncomplicated design aesthetics

Offering certainty for safety and compliance at height, Conectabal commercial balustrades line the upper and lower sections of the new toilet amenity block – a unique design feat that gives visitors a sweeping view of the picturesque foreshore of Freshwater Bay.

The curved corners of Conectabal and the straight 100mm balusters blend seamlessly into the aesthetics of the building and surrounding hardscape – whilst mitigating or eliminating falls from over one metre for public use areas.

Securing compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), Assistrail went beyond safety in this project, lining the beautifully designed pathways to offer easy, supportive access for mobility-impaired, vision-impaired or other disabled persons.

Adapting seamlessly to the pathway and stairway turns and following the large circular turn in the disability access pathway that descends to the foreshore, the disability handrails complement the bespoke landscape design.

Why was Moddex selected?

Moddex’s selection for the Mrs Herberts Park project was based on the work completed for the same client (Town of Claremont Council) in the past, fortified by trust, active communication and strong customer relations.

Working collaboratively with the designer, project manager and Local Council, Moddex played an important role by ensuring that the balustrade design for the project met all compliance requirements under Australian Standards.

Impressed with the works completed by Moddex at Mrs Herberts Park, the client proceeded to request additional work at various other public infrastructure projects including the local swimming pool and tennis club.

Project details

Location: Claremont, Perth, Western Australia

Client: Town of Claremont (Local Government)

Industry: Public Infrastructure

Products Used:

  • Assistrail Disability Handrails: AR10, AR20
  • Conectabal Commercial Balustrades: CB10